Part 12: The power of the soul
Episode 11: The power of the soul

Wait, what?

Oh, I see. I guess having a woman chef manage a restaurant was just too unrealistic, so the game removes her from your restaurant staff the very next mission. So what about our quota from the board of directors? Do we have to go and find another woman chef for our business, or will the game just gloss over that, and we'll never see another woman chef in the entire game? It's the latter.


Ahoy, mateys! We have a new seafood restaurant, the Hope and Anchor! I hope you like the name, Armand has thought long and hard about it – going by the conversation between him and Dick, approximately 15 seconds in total. Also, is it just me, or did Armand sound pretty hesitant about hiring a black chef? "Well, if that's the board's decision, I guess I'll try…"
Before I get to our new restaurant, I'll need to return to Wagons Ho!, which needs a remake as well as a new head chef now that Delia has quit.

Unfortunately, to my surprise, the most popular décor configuration BAD turned out to be a fairly tasteful all-wood design with simple wood table sets. In order to make up for that, I've significantly tuned up the skulls and artwork.

The children's maize maze, on the other hand, is looking great! I touched up the corn texture on the corn columns and used them for this fun adventure to the hidden tipi! Also, solving the corn maze is the only way to the restrooms, so if you really need to go, I hope you're good at mazes.

Because Dalia quit and we just got a new restaurant, we're actually pretty short on chefs. I'm only able to staff Wagons Ho! with a single chef, Bruce Allen, so I've had to temporarily cut the number of tables drastically. Meanwhile, I've transferred Stan Mazowski to run the Hope and Anchor. Stan Mazowski. That's how dire the situation is.

I just wanted to take another look at the wonderful custom pictures before heading to the new restaurant.

So this is the Hope and Anchor, another huge restaurant. What's good about seafood restaurants is that it's nearly impossible to make them look nice. Every wall option is some kind of garish turquoise and most of the floors are bizarre tile patterns. Those wall lights? Jellyfish.

Look at those fucking fish tables. I feel like we wouldn't even be able to make this better with texture mods.

Dick gave us a couple of seafood recipes to help us get started. This is the first one, the grilled shrimp. Now, before I evaluate this from a gameplay perspective, I'd just like to note how ugly and unappetizing the picture looks. Grilled shrimp is something that should be really easy to make look fabulous on a plate, so how did Armand turn it into such an ugly brown mess?
Anyway, the quality and profitability are both mediocre, but our American repertoire is pretty bad, so normally I would add this to the menu if not for the fact that it's cooked on a grill. Adding a grill to the kitchen is a hassle, because I try to make the kitchens as small and efficient as possible, and in order to use the grill, the chef will have to leave the stove, walk over to the grill, cook this, then walk back to the stove and resume cooking non-grill recipes. This adds a few seconds to the recipe's effective cooking time, which means that from a business perspective, it's rarely worth it to add grill recipes in my opinion. Overall, a mediocre recipe.

Now this is what I'm talking about! This recipe has a very high quality rating (though not quite enough to be a competition recipe), and its gross profit is just eye-wateringly huge! By default, this earns us $18.66 in profit each time we serve it. I've added it to both the Hope and Anchor and Wagons Ho!

A customer at Le Palourde Chantante sells me this recipe for turkey, chicken liver and mushroom paté. Is this something people order at restaurants as a main course? Two giant slices of paté and some slices of bread? It's probably delicious, but it seems more like an hors d'oeuvre. Anyway, the quality is mediocre but the profitability is really good. Assuming this is quick to cook, this looks like a good recipe.
Shortly after, I get called to Wagons Ho! to speak with a customer there.

Oh boy.

I'm going to disappoint some people here, but unfortunately Restaurant Empire does not in fact have a "soul power" mechanic.

Anyway, Tyrone has joined the kitchen of Wagons Ho! And thank goodness, now I can add some more tables.

Much better! I figure our customers at the steakhouse are good salt-of-the-earth kind of people, so I hope they'll appreciate this football wall I made for them.

Wow, this is a new record, even for our abnormally greedy customers! This guest wants over $50,000 for a single recipe. I'll pay her, but this had better be a recipe for like, filet mignon with foie gras in a truffle sauce or something.

It wasn't. The quality rating is OK, but nothing special, the profit margin is poor, and since it's a Wellington recipe, it probably goes in the oven. I'll be generous and call this a mediocre recipe so I'll feel less stupid for paying $50,000 for it.

At least this recipe was only $12,000. This is a bad recipe, which is a shame, because it looks really cool on the plate! 44% quality rating is just completely insufficient at this point in the game, and that's after using special ingredients from our wholesalers.

I buy another recipe, this time at Le Palourde Chantante. Now, I know we have a bit of an unfortunate history with crepes in this business, but this recipe actually looks pretty good. The quality is mediocre, but the default profit margin is $20.96, which is just beautiful. As a non-competition recipe, this is definitely a good recipe.
Soon after this, I see a familiar face at the Hope and Anchor.

Now, this time I'm not sure we can rely on mafia muscle to "persuade" Secondo to give us a good review, so unfortunately we might actually have to try to serve a good meal.

Wait, what? Oh, I guess Secondo just REFUSES to review you if you don't add the recipes you got from Tyrone! That actually reminds me that I haven't shown those off yet, so I guess that was useful. Thanks, Secondo!

Tyrone doesn't actually tell you what recipes he gives you, so I had to look through all our recipes to find them. Here's the first, the spicy tomato and corn soup (yes, I've added it to the corn restaurant). This is a really highly rated soup, definitely the best we can serve in our American restaurants. The profitability is bad, but that's to be expected from a soup. Still a good recipe.
Wait, is this just chicken broth with tomato, corn and cheese? That sounds disgusting. It's not even spicy, all it has is a bit of paprika.

Here's another one, the crispy oven-fried cod. Its good profit margin can't save it from its pathetic quality rating and the fact that it goes in the oven. A bad recipe.

This is the recipe that Secondo really wanted to try, and I can see why. This has a quality rating of 84%, which is just preposterously good! It makes barely any money at all, but this thing is going to be brutal in cooking competitions. And outside cooking competitions, we can fix the profitability by making a shitty lower-quality version for the

There we go. Using the worst possible substitute crab meat pushed the quality rating all the way down to 63%, but now the profit margin is around $10, which is OK. I'll add it to the menu of the Hope and Anchor in a bit, but now that I know that Secondo will refuse to review you until you add it, I'll stall for a couple of months to let our chefs get some more XP.
After a few months, I finally deign to put the deviled crab cakes on the menu.

Since Secondo is going to be reviewing us, I temporarily start cooking it with real crab to boost the recipe quality. Once we've served him, I'll go back to the terrible, cheap ersatz stuff.

I wait for him to finish, then talk to him again.

Hooray, we did it!

To celebrate, I decide to invest in a facelift for the façade of Wagons Ho! All in good taste, of course.


And we've completed the mission! Aside from hiring Tyrone and impressing Secondo with our deviled crab cakes, we also had to bring Wagons Ho! to a 4 star rating and make $50,000 in monthly revenue at the Hope and Anchor. Assuming you're using sensible recipes at Wagons Ho! and your prices aren't too high, it should automatically climb to that rating after a couple of months as your chefs get experienced with the menu. Updating the exterior helps too. Making good revenue at the Hope and Anchor is a bit of a pain because it gets very low footfall, so I've been spending the maximum on advertisement for the Hope and Anchor the entire mission, and as long as your revenue-per-customer is pretty good you should be OK there too.
Next mission, Armand will be facing his greatest challenge yet, and we'll also be meeting a new character!

Thread poll: what décor should we have in The Hope and Anchor?
Tables E and F are identical except for the chairs, but E has better stats in gameplay terms. Only vote for tables A through D if you hate fun.

Vote on wall, floor and table design. For example, to vote for wall type C, floor type D and table type B, vote "CDB". The winning combination will be whatever has the most votes when I play the next mission.

The wall decoration options are pretty lame, just dead animals. No pictures, unfortunately, so unless you want to edit the back of that turtle, we can't really goonify these textures.

The selection of floor decorations is small, but look at that quality! Dolphins are the horse statues of the sea, and if we don't use the shark and Insaniquarium rugs, then like, what are we even doing here? Let me know if you have any ideas for the decoration of the restaurant!